Proposal Quick Tips
Tips on getting the reserve process started early in the year
- If you need help in speaking to your board for approvals, we’ve provided some quick tips to help:
- 1 – If your association completed their last onsite inspection prior to 12/31/2014, they’re due for another onsite inspection this year.
- 2 – By sending in their approved proposal prior to this Sunday, 4/3/2017, they can save 14% on their onsite inspection for this year.
- 3 – Having the reserve study onsite inspection completed early in the year allows the board to have a more realistic financial view when they begin their budgeting process for the following year.
- 4 – We offer to adjust the reserve study later in the year (at no cost) with any current information since the onsite inspection. This allows us to complete the inspection at your convenience early in the year and still have the most current information reflected in the report when it’s time to send it out to the members.
- 5 – After the onsite inspection, if more information is needed on a specific project or reserve component, there is plenty of time to speak with a contractor about the costs involved so that the reserve report reflects accurate costs.
Get your association's reserve proposal started today